Ninchat is a workplace for people working around the same topics.* Preview Release *Ninchat is a new, natural and social workplace for people working
Ninchat is a workplace for people working around the same topics.
* Preview Release *
Ninchat is a new, natural and social workplace for people working around the same topics. Using Ninchat feels like being in the same room.
Ninchat is always on, even when you are offline.
Use Ninchat for your sales team, your customer service people, your secret Project X or just for general coffee room talk.
Invite everyone you work with to Ninchat and see how easily work can be done!
Currently implemented features in Android client:
* Group chats and private conversations
* Notifications about personal/private messages when application is in background
* Phone and tablet layouts
* Account creation
Missing features:
* Channel creation
* Etc..